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Curiosities and anecdotes

Curiosities and anecdotes

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In the life of Turris, somewhat special episodes have happened and often do happen that reveal how much Our Virgin Mary accompanies our life when we truly recognize our smallness and totally trust her and Providence! Here are some of them told by Don Peyron.


“When we went to Lebanon, while the plane was landing in Beirut I said to the group: 'From the airport we go immediately to the Television Studios.'

“Why is that? And so in a rush? Without having time to put ourselves in order …. We’re going to make a bad impression on Turris ..." some girls said. "No, let's go to the Television Studios immediately!" I repeated.

Once there I asked the porter: "Is there any important person in the office?" "No, there is no one."

And suddenly the Lord kicked in!

At that moment a big car, like I had never seen before, got there: it was the President. I approached: "Excuse me, I would like to talk to you..." “Walk with me in the elevator!" And there, in the elevator, in a few seconds, I talked about the Turris Eburnea and what we could do the next day, the only day of stop we had in Beirut. When we got on top, he said to the General Manager: "Tomorrow put on a show of the Turris Eburnea".

The director looked at me and asked: "... Excuse me if I'm curious, but you and the President .... have you known each other for a long time?" I replied: ”Uhh, Don’t even ask…”

And he immediately said "Excuse me if I was indiscreet!”


One of the many bills from the Turris Eburnea to pay had arrived. But there was no money! Don Peyron thought to himself: After all we have consumed the light to do some good in the name of the Virgin Mary, she will provide!

When the 5 days for payment expired, he went to the tax office and queued with no money in his pocket ... A dozen people in front ...

The Rosary in one hand and the bill in the other.

Nine, eight, seven, six ... five, four, three more people ... Suddenly someone behind him tapped on his shoulder: "Are you Don Peyron?" "Yes" "What are you doing here?" "I came to pay the bill!" "Give it to me” said the stranger “I'll pay it!”.

Thank you Virgin Mary, I knew that somehow you would have provided!


In Brescia, on the occasion of the “Day of Serenity ”, the first part of our event was taking place in the morning indoor, in a theater, the event at that time was divided into two parts. I could hear the rain falling. They asked me: “Where do we go this afternoon?” We go to the stadium as it was planned" ... "But it rains!" ... “Yes I know, but we go to the stadium". Someone will have thought: those are crazy... In the meantime I was sending “telegrams” to Our Lady.

At the end of the morning, the afternoon event was announced on stage together with the place where it was to take place: the stadium.

And I added: “Now it's raining, the meteorologists report that the rain will continue… someone maybe laughs at us, but we know that we can trust Someone… I’m sending a telegram to Our Lady: this is the situation. She’ll see what to do”.

While we were at the table for lunch, a warm wind began to blow and at 2.30 pm, right at the starting  time, all the benches in the stadium were dry. “


May 1962. Turris Eburnea is in Tokyo. The beautiful Kokaido theater, 5,000 seats, fills up twice.

At the end of the shows, the local organizing committee, made up of non-believers, takes Don Peyron to a room where, on a table, there is a mountain of yen, the collection of the events.

Every show, everywhere, is always offered by Turris Eburnea for free to the public, but in Japan, they said, if you don't put on an admission ticket, accessible to everyone, people don't consider the invitation.

"These, from whom we already have taken the expenses incurred by us…” said the organizing committee “…are yours!” And Don Peyron: "I didn't come for the money, I do everything for free." (although travel and hotel expenses were not indifferent.)

“Then" they added “you get attached to things that are not seen!" "Certainly" was the reply. "Then the things that are not seen are worth more than those that are seen!" "Of course!" "And does the Pope do that?" they asked. "I learned from him!" Don Peyron answered.

The decision was that they were "sacred" ... that money was to be touched!

At Christmas, at the midnight Mass, those people were at the Missionary, to be educated on Christianity.

After a year, a photograph of a kindergarten built mostly with that "sacred" money arrived in Turin!

It is always by giving that one receives and what convinces, even those who do not believe, is the greatest lack of interest, combined with the other international language which is the smile.

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